Communication Strategy & Design

Communication makes sense! Brands create differences.
And brands create new values.

We meet the growing need for communication and marketing throughout the industry with our own creative unit, which specialises in innovative brand management and industry-competent communication.


We are…

a small and highly efficient team of specialists who develop intelligent communication in an incomparable environment. Our spectrum ranges from brand identity with naming and corporate design to the development of the entire communicative story and its implementation in practically all channels. Period.
But what makes us special is that we know the market and its competitors, we know consumer behaviour and food trends, we know the products that make good margins, we know the guests and we know what motivates service staff. And what not. We also know what ideas a plant manager is happy about and what a works council is grateful for. And not everyone knows that.
In short: We know the industry because we are right in the middle of it and right at the forefront. Get to know us, no one has ever regretted it. Honestly.

Our services

From the communication strategy to the ready-to-print company brochure, from the door sign to the wayfinding system, from the advertising flyer to the cinema spot, from the Instagram Story to the podcast. We can, we do and we have already done.

Our guiding principles

Guiding principle #1: Everything and everyone communicates. Most important and everywhere. >>>

Today, people tend to title and text every place, every space, every thing, everywhere there is information, messages, opinions, demands. Sometimes subtle and well dosed, more often bold and loud. However, in view of the increased and growing quantity of communication, people are also taking an increasingly critical look at its quality. The constant overstimulation makes them more competent and thus more selective, also with regard to the communication itself.
Thus, communication is becoming an increasingly important part of a product. That’s why we are as careful with communication as we are with the other messages we send to people: in space, in design, in concept, in process, in assortment and in price.

Guiding Principle #2: People’s attention is a limited resource. >>>

Good communication not only gains the attention of those to whom it is directed. She also deserves it and gives it the respect it deserves.
By never subordinating the end to the means. By not shouting at people, but addressing them in a sensual way: through images and associations, through memories evoked, through touching stories, through original punch lines. And by informing when information is needed. Not convoluted and convoluted, but clear and transparent. In this way, it creates affinity and credibility that breeds loyalty – and deserves attention.

Guiding principle #3: If you lead the way, people will follow. >>>

Products don’t become best sellers, places don’t become places of longing, brands don’t become cult just because someone labels them as such. Prophecy only becomes a self-fulfilling reality when we give people good reasons. If we take their needs seriously and respond to them. Which is sometimes paradoxical, after all, people want to be surprised and impressed.
We believe marketing results from the realization that pride in one’s product and the energy invested in one’s business is not naturally appreciated by people. We often find this unfair and want to mediate between good intent and good faith with good communication.

Guiding principle #4: What the farmer doesn’t like, he won’t buy a second time. >>>

Only a good product benefits from good communication in the long run.
Customers, guests, consumers are no longer so easily impressed. But they want to be impressed.
Just as they don’t accept when a bad product is put in front of them, they don’t accept when something bad is hyped up to be good. They recognize the difference between empty words and real content. Not always at first glance. And they can’t always name what’s bothering them right away. But it bothers them.

Guiding principle #5: Every contact counts. And he pays, but he also costs. >>>

Of course, a good idea, a new concept should reach as many people as possible and turn them into visitors, guests, customers. But communication doesn’t just make money, it costs money – which is why it’s rarely the best advice to just do whatever you can.
We value the trust our clients place in us, and we are aware of the responsibility that comes with it. For us, reach is one value among many that we include in our strategy, but never make it the sole driver.

Guiding Principle #6: If honesty is the omission of a lie, that would not be right. >>>

Silence is the opposite of communication. The one who resolutely speaks things out is more credible than the one who does not speak at all.
Because people inform themselves, are informed today as never before. Knowledge is often less a matter of availability than of interest. Therefore, insincerity and false promises only lead to turning away in the best case, and to repulsion in the worse. So if we want people to be interested in a brand, a place, a product, we need to arouse their curiosity. In a good way. Must offer conversation and seek exchange.

Guiding Principle #7: Illusion is no more an evil deception than a beautiful dream. >>>

People want to decide for themselves what is real and what they hold on to.
Authenticity and the willingness not to pretend are right and important. But it is a misconception that people are not satisfied with anything but pure reality – they are rather looking for a reality without sharp edges, a reality with a little shine, a softer, slowed down, more comfortable reality. Actually, we all know that too. After all, don’t we wish for places to focus our longings, things whose stories we can tell?

Guiding Principle #8: The value of communication is most evident when you stop it. >>>

Communication is life. Life is communication. It can be temporarily omitted, as a statement, as a sign of sympathy, of protest – although in this context, not communicating would also be communicating something, communicating something. One can imagine a place of silence where everyone is alone with himself and his thoughts – and yet cannot refrain from making contact with others at some point via communicative signals other than language.
A space without communication creates confusion, a product without communication fuels misunderstandings. Not communicating also sends a message, whether you like it or not.