Westside Shopping Mall

Strategic concept sharpening needs strategic communication.

If perhaps the most unusual shopping centre in Switzerland wants to make itself fit for the future, it needs a lot of experience and no less determination.

Berne – About ten years ago, MIGROS opened a bold and ambitious shopping center in the canton of Berne, planned and successfully developed by the office of architect Daniel Libeskind. Ahead of its time, the spatial planning foresaw and architecturally interpreted the complexity of current and future usage scenarios through a fractal basic design in a crystal structure.

A trend-setting farsightedness that pays off in a special way today. After all, like most all shopping centres, WESTSIDE is also faced with the challenge of interpreting the requirements of stationary trade in a contemporary way again and creating attractive incentives for its many customers in the future.

SODA GROUP supports the management of WESTSIDE in an advisory capacity in order to create sustainable space and tenant structures that not only meet relevant customer needs such as experience orientation, flexibility and individualization, but also mean a high degree of synergy and thus efficiency gains for the upcoming tenant mix. The spatial structure of WESTSIDE offers an excellent platform for this.

SODA GROUP’s strategic consulting services are supported by flanking communication measures, which at this point in time primarily focus on B2B-related goals.


TASK // Strategy consulting, communication, 28-page brochure